Financial empowerment and wealth building is a process that is teachable and can be learned, but it must be applied. It is an immersive, engaged and involved process that takes patience and time, skill and practice, but most of all knowledge. Solvent provides free courses of fundamental financial literacy and entrepreneurship education to assist our members in their lifelong journey toward financial empowerment and wealth building.




Financial literacy is the ability to understand and effectively use various financial skills and tools, including personal financial management, saving, budgeting, banking, and investing. Financial literacy is the foundation of your relationship with money, and it is a lifelong journey of learning. Financial literacy is key and critical to financial empowerment and wealth building and a first step toward building generational wealth.



Entrepreneurship education cultivates innovative talents, which are an important driving force for business development and startup building. Entrepreneurship education is an important way for entrepreneurs to acquire resources, enhance innovative ability and personality, and build multi-level learning channels by integrating various knowledge, value systems, and business processes. From knowledge learning to skills improvement, entrepreneurship education includes general ability development, and improvement of professional ability. Entrepreneurial competence, which is important for success, mainly refers to the ability to identify opportunities and develop the necessary resources and capital, in addition to technical, financial, and legal knowledge.