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The Future Is Freedom


Our Mission

Solvent’s mission is to build and provide a suite of successive and affordable tech-driven personal financial and banking tools, products and services for the financially excluded, disadvantaged, underserved, and overlooked System Impacted for financial empowerment and wealth building.

Our Vision

Solvent’s vision is to become the premier brand and obvious solution for financial empowerment and wealth building tools, products and services for all member segments of the System Impacted; empowering the socioeconomically disadvantaged; formerly incarcerated; friends, family and loved ones of the formerly incarcerated and/or incarcerated; and the incarcerated.

As a for-profit and for-purpose company we’ll look for our tools, products and services to over-perform for our members on our social impact initiative, positively effecting the following pain points and problems the System Impacted face that keep them from financial empowerment and wealth building:

  • Poverty

  • Wealth Gap

  • Systemic Barriers (Institutional/Systemic Racism & Social Injustice)

  • Mass Incarceration

  • Recidivism

  • Financial Exclusion

#EmpowerYOU #EmpowerUS


Our Why?

Solvent was ideated and built out of our CEO and Founder’s own personal pain point and problem of coming from poverty and not being financially literate and unable to leverage financial knowledge to empower and optimize his life. Instead, by 13 years old he succumbed to his impoverished conditions and negative environment, turning to the streets and drug dealing to provide for himself and his family, subsequently leading to a lengthy incarceration in federal prison while still a teenager. After his release, for decades he found himself caught in a negative psychological cycle of recidivism. He not only saw this as a problem for himself, but many others who came from his similar background.

Further, he recognized the power of entrepreneurship as another vital tool necessary to becoming financially empowered and build wealth, but lacked formal entrepreneurship education himself. This gave him a determined idea to learn both, and build something that served those purposes for others who needed and wanted it, while being community- and social impact-driven and positioned to be profitable. He said to himself, “This is my why, so why not?” and Solvent was born.



“Finally, financial empowerment for us by us.”

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